“Changing the world with one finger and twenty-six letters, that’s my superpower.”
Welcome To The Typersphere
Typing has made me whole. Typing has given me a third dimension. I am complete. Typing has given my thoughts a way to escape my silent prison and have a life in the world around me. I type therefore I am. Just as the atmosphere makes life on Earth possible, typing makes my life on Earth full of endless possibilities.
Pointing Out the Obvious to the Oblivious.
People like me, those who have a desire to communicate but lack the expressive language skill set have to find alternative methods to be heard. Many of us use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology (AT). This is just a fancy way of saying we use devices to get our point across. These devices can be as high tech as a voice output computer or as low tech as a piece of paper with letters written to resemble the keyboard of a typerwriter (QWERTY). We are referred to as spellers, pointers, and typers. I prefer to be called by my name, Otto. I have been improvising different low tech QWERTY letterboards for years. You can now purchase my letterboards. They are made from TerraSlate, the same waterproof paper used for Navy SEALS’ maps. Brilliant.
Typers Gonna Type
I am often asked “How do you respond to people who do not believe your typing is your authentic voice?” My response is “Haters gonna hate. Doubters gonna doubt. Typers gonna type.” If I waste valuable time trying to convince people who have an impenetrable belief system, I will have no time or energy for my own creative endeavors.
Unspoken Friendships.
The greatest gift I have received from typing is the fierce friendships I have forged with other typers. We may not have a spoken voice but we have lots to say. We have a great sense of style, a sassy wit, undying loyalty, and a commitment to each other likened to brothers in arms. We encourage each other on hard days and celebrate each other on successful days.

“You are the thread that supports a day that can be seamless or completely unraveled.”
— Analects of Otto

“Typing is my Olympic event. I type every damn day. I treat my writing and typing the same way a gold medal athlete treats their sport, with respect and humility. Some days you will miss the mark and other days you will land perfectly. You have to work hard, really hard. If you don’t take your writing seriously, no one else will either.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
And remember, if it walks like a duck and squawks like a duck, it might be a baby swan.